Learning does not start the day a person is born.  Learning starts from inside the the womb of the woman. 

Warning: If you are a pregnant woman,  avoid bad communicators and control your environment.  Babies can hear everything said in and around them.  They just can't talk. 

Advice: It is important for women to take great pleasure in singing rhymes to the unborn children they carry in their womb. 

It is even more important that the tunes and message of the rhymes be delivered in the local prevailing language spoken in the community. 

A person is educated not just by one person( teacher or parent) but by the community.

If you are Yoruba,  IGBO,  Hausa or Ebira,  do ensure that the language spoken mostly around your community is the one you use to program your unborn baby. When the child is born,  continue in that local language and you will further reinforce the programming.

Neuro Linguistic programming comes to mind again.  This concept that has to do with communication and personal development,  even though not specific to a particular kind of language,  shows that the spoken word between the mind and action is very powerful. 

It is about causing changes in perception, responsible communication and developing choices of responses or communication in a given situation. ... NLP, for short,  exists  on the principle that everyone has all the resources they need to make positive changes in their own life.

Neuro-linguistic programming is very important in the life of a person.  It is an approach to communication, personal development and habit building that endures when it is consistently done in a language that is consistent.  I believe so strongly. 

Teaching children with English language in a setting that is basically unenglish,  is a ceremonial suicide.  It causes an intellectual dwarfism. The best way to educate a person is in the mother tongue. 

A child in the womb can already hear things happening in and around the mother. 

If the mother speaks the local language,  the child can hear. If the occurrences around the child is peculiar to the language of the mother and family members,  there is reinforcement. 

What is left is interpretation, which is because the child's speaking organ are yet to develop,  even though hearing comes naturally,  unless there is a problem. 

The only thing the child in the womb can effectively respond and react to is rhythm and noise.  Noise disturbs the child and rhythms and rhymes calms the child. 

Once a child is born,  typically,  he or she stays at home and the culture and language is further reinforced. 

By the time the child is ready for school,  confusion typically sets in because the child is now constrained to learn in a foreign language which is a disturbance to the learning circle. 

The mistake people make is that they assume that the school is the best and only place for learning.  It is not true. 

Some of the earliest geniuses of the world never attended a school.  The community and mentorship system is still the best form of education and shaping quality minds. 

The majority of cultural education,  which happens more in the community,  is far more powerful than the intellectual nurturing that a person gets in school.  Make no mistake about it,  with population explosion,  the school system remains very relevant.  Problem is that it will never substitute quality mentorship and community education.

What completes and defines the essence of a person is culture and not the intellect.  An intellectual without a strong cultural education is a powerless man. 

English,  to the African child in an African cultural setting creates a learning dwarfism.

The child started learning from the womb.  Let's stop dwarfing and obstructing the process. 

Let's start teaching our children in the local languages. We can improve literacy rate in less than 10years to 100%.

When a person alreadyoeaks a language learned from and within the community, you only need to teach him how to write.


©A. M. O

IG: @ayoozovehe


  1. Once again thank you this is a topic that a lot of women do not think about when they are pregnant that we do influence or child even in the womb this is a topic that I will be sharing with others and educating them on how important it is to stay positive into read and sing to their baby even in the room thank you for educating me once again on another topic that I can use in my life today

    1. Absolutely. Thank you for the feedback. Much appreciated.

  2. Once again thank you this is a topic that a lot of women do not think about when they are pregnant that we do influence or child even in the womb this is a topic that I will be sharing with others and educating them on how important it is to stay positive in to read and sing to their baby even in the womb thank you for educating me once again on another topic that I can use in my life today


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