"A man without friends is a social anomaly. A man without allies, is a powerless man. "
You can feel free to give me credit for this quote.
No relationship can best describe the above squote like that of Rotimi Amechi and Olubukola Saraki.
For a while, they were friends and worked closely to send GEJ out of office as President. They started as friends, later evolved into an alliance which destroyed their friendship, even though it aided their common ground and interests in the pursuit of power. Their roles are very well documented already for those who are interested in reading.
That is not the story for today.
Friendship is a relationship of mutual AFFECTION between people. Friendship is a stronger form of interpersonal bond than an association. Friendship has been studied in academic fields such as communication, sociology, social psychology, anthropology, and philosophy.
The key word in friendship is AFFECTION. with affection comes great emotion and once you call someone your friend, you become weak in some way towards that person. All sense of standards are thrown away and emotionor sentiments begin to rule your relationship with the person involved. Every great person of means knows that emotion is very dangerous, when not mastered.
An ally is a person one has agreed to work with to achieve a shared purpose. An alliance is a relationship among people, groups, or states that have joined together for mutual benefit or to achieve some common purpose, whether or not explicit agreement has been worked out among them. Members of an alliance are called allies.
Alliance is often very powerful and bankrupt of emotion. The objective or objectives are always very clear to parties involved. People who are in alliance may attend your parties and social gatherings to keep a face or just stay away without any need to express regrets. It is always and perpetually about the shared objectives and nothing more.
As a young man or woman, you can be carefree by treating every acquaintance or associate as friendship. If you have a good mentor or the precious nature to differentiate the two, your chances of success and avoiding disappointments is greatly enhances.
As people grows older, they tend to realise that they need less friends and deserve more allies. Truth is, people who know you too well are less likely to take you serious enough. They saw you grow and cannot separate your yesterday from your today and your tomorrow!
If you are going to live a fulfilled life, you must know the difference between the two and treat everyone according to their place in your life. Never lose your guards, where you should get the strap.
One of the key reasons why you must know where people stand in your relationships and keep everyone where they belong is for the purpose of clarity.
You may be out promoting someone you think is a friend, while they are busy tarnishing your image.
The beautiful thing about this common but honest mistake is that the world has got nose, ears as well as an eye. The world has got a brain too and it always thinks of how best to judge you.
Imagine someone who is busy trying to tarnish your image while you go to the same place to speak well of the same person.
What do you think the person watching and listening will say?
Just do good, as much as you can, and if you don't have something good to say about someone who as much as extends you the courtesy and olive of friendship, just keep quiet.
It will boomerang. It always does.
This piece is coming based on a personal experience which happened late last week. Keep your head up always and don't forget to remember the difference.
You will succeed!
A. M. O
Follow on IG :@ayoozovehe
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