Religion largely remains a smokescreen.

What truly drives a person is the desire to maximize pleasure and minimise pain,  and not what is written in one book.  However,  if a person is conditioned to see pleasure in a books rule,  they are likely to give their life in pursuit of that pleasure before they even know it. 

People who quote Esther and King Solomon must do so only on the basis of historic citations and not "Christian living".  Nobody in the Old Testament was a Christian. 

How many Christians are there in this world?

To get an answer,  read Mohamdas Karamchad  Ghandi on religion. 

Leave all these social media born again for the cameras.  In the end,  we all just want  happiness on earth and know not what heavens hold or even if it exists or not for sure.

Whatever makes people happy,  they will do.  If they don't do it secretly,  they will do it publicly.  

Whether you like what they do is really immaterial,  as long as they are not caught breaking the laws of the land. 

The world is not led by morals and the dictates of one religion.  It is by selfish pursuits and the actualization of dreams,  the satisfaction of desires, and fulfilment of purpose.

You cannot judge people by your own standards,  but definitely can hold them to their professed standards.  Even that can change justifiably. 

Who the hell cares about what you think really?  None. 

It is a selfish world after all is said and done. 

A. M. O

IG: @ayoozovehe
