Something about this space.
There is something about this space that trumps common sense.
Something about this space.
There is something about this space that dethrones sanity and enthrones insanity.
Something about this space.
There is something about this space that has crude oil but can't add value and convert it to petrol, kerosene and diesel.
Something about this space.
There is something about this space that asks it's first citizen to provide a WAEC certificate where PhD holders abound
Something about this space.
There is something about this space that has a huge aquatic life so much so that it is named after a river, but can't provide plenteous portable water.
Something about this space.
There is something about this space that banned imported fabrics many years ago but depend on 95% imported fabric to cloth citizens.
Something about this space.
There is something about this space that makes the normal abnormal and the abnormal, the norm.
Something about this space.
There is something about this space that perpetually prints Naira only for citizens to see it at parties and not for daily cash transactions.
Something about this space.
There is something about this space that has 165 Universities, 83 polytechnics, 82 colleges of education and 22 monotechnics yet citizens must go overseas for good education.
Something about this space.
There is something about this space that finds it difficult to pay minimum wage where politicians and public servants live in opulence amidst crying poverty.
Something about this space.
There is something about this space which has over 27,000 registered hospital for 200 million people, 5 hospital bed per 10,000 people, 35,000 doctors and can only afford 1 Doctor to 3,500 patients per time.
Something about this space.
There is something about this space that makes uncertainty so certain you cringe at the thought of another life in it.
Something about this space.
There is something about this space that makes all other spaces look like a nightmare to those who have perfected the art of survival.
They are the hyenas, Lions, Tigers, Wolves and bulls of the jungle.
There is something about this space, regardless, that makes you love it like no other.
Indeed, there is something about this space....
Only the eye of cosmos can see.
©Ogedengbe Ayo Moses
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