What is a brand?

A brand is nothing but an experience. Period. 

To further elaborate on the above,  it is the sum total of the feelings,  optics and everything that is associated with a product or service and the impact it makes on the consumer. 

What is a story?

A story,  by traditional definition, is a real or imaginary tale told for entertainment.  That is the half truth.

In marketing communications ,  a story is is a real or imaginary tale told to move the targeted audience to action. 

In clarifying a brand story, the most important thing is to determine the message that best attracts the attention and action you desire. 

For many start up enterprenuers,  the assumption is that copy writing and copy creative is a matter of having the ability to speak and write English as well as merging same with the skills of a graphic artist. 

This assumption often gets them to just pen something down and then get a graphic artist to put an image on it.

From what we know as professionals, this sort of tendencies is what always attracts the wrong audience whilst putting off the intended audience. 

The key variable that distinguishes a product or service from competition is a consistent story.   Your copies must tell the same stories,  maybe in different ways but with same message. 

Does the brand consistently deliver the exact same experience across board? If it does,  then just tell it.  If you tell it,  you will win. 

How well you tell it with a one- liner , in a highly competitive market, will determine how much you will sell. 

In this information age, only the most compelling stories will win!

©Ogedengbe Ayo Moses
IG: @ayoozovehe

