Talking about Paedophilia, now that R Kelly's case is trending,  we must make it clear that  responsibility is really on the man ( adult).   And our security agencies,  parents and guardians must be really attentive. 

With internet and social media comes responsibility that the average young girl,  teenager,  cannot really handle without messing up. 

Young girls are on facebook,  instagram,  YouTube and even watching Porn hub.  I would like to think that young girls now know more about sex than the women of my generation based on porn hub lessons and engagement with social media. 

Young people,  teenage girls included,  have high level of energies in them.  By nature,  they want to explore.  They are adventurous and open to new ideas.  With breasts,  pubic hair and "itchy vaginas", they need more than mere monitoring to escape the dangers inherent with that age and stage.

At an event in Abuja not too long ago,  girls came from secondary schools,  about 5 of them.  4 out of the 5 of them were practically asking us what the night was going to be like.  Asking if we wanted to go to club and all that,  after our event.  They know how to escape their boarding school as SSS students.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing and I asked some more questions. And this is how it went....

Me: Are you a student?
She: Yes. 

Me: Is this your uniform under your sweat shirt?
She: yes

Me: How old are you?

She: Why do you want to know?

Me: I think you are too young to be out here. 

She: That's an insult. 

Me: Apologies. 

She: That's okay.  No problems.

Me: Well,  tonite  I am going to be at the club and I will be partying.  Unfortunately,  you can't come. 

She : She looks at her friends and they laughed together at the same time. 

Obviously,  it's not their first.  It's a group thing led by one fat bad girl who at best will be 16.

That's Abuja. 

I was at the club sometimes in 2018 around ikeja and I bet there was no 25 year old lady in the club.  At my age and stage,  I can tell you for free what a  girls age is by just looking at her. 

There were 16, 17, 18 years max all over the club.  They were there allover the place on drugs,  flaunting their boobs and showing flesh all over the place. 

I have been around entertainment events and young girls about 16-18 trying to get attention. Even right here on social media,  I have seen girls obviously at the age  that I can easily call them my daughters,  come into my DM and ask me "what's up? "

Me?  What's up?  A whole me,  father of twins o!
Make no mistake about it.  I am not a saint and this has nothing to do with sainthood but responsibility for one's actions.  How on earth will a 40 something years old man be sleeping with a 16 years old girl?
I am no saint and I have never put my self on that pedestal.  I simply cannot do that.  One thing for sure,  I cannot stand young girls.  I mean it for real.  How am I gonna stand naked in front of a 16, 18 years old girl?!!  WTF!!!

If you ever catch me,  aproko people,  cheating or having affairs,  please go and look at the age of the woman.  If she is not older,  then she will be a woman about my age. 

Wait,  are you going to really ask me if I have ever cheated?  You must be a monkey.  Focus on the issue for a bit.  We are talking about paedophilia here. 

Now to those of us that are parents. How exactly do you like the idea of buying your teenage girls sophisticated smart phones?

Why does your teenage girl need a smart phone for anything?

What is wrong with a regular phone for text and voice calls?

Well,  I know you trust your sons and daughters,  but prevention is better than cure.   I have been to parties where I see very young girls and my conscience just begins to cry.  No matter how well you trust your children,  prevention is better than cure.

I don't have a daughter but I dream to have one someday.  It is not easy raising boys.  It is even more difficult to raise a girl child in this age of social media where pressure is so high on girls and boys. 

Oga,  if you have girls.... Try and watch over them.  Most of the men you see around,  pastor,  lawyer,  police,  politician or what have you are only covered by that title.  Unleashed,  they are animals with little or no regards for the age of a vagina or boob.

Respect and love your family.  Watch over your teenagers.  What else are you alive for?

But make no mistake about it.  I am not going to stop listening to R-Kelly 's music. 

I love R-Kelly the musician.  It is R-Kelly the paedophile that I detest. 

I still believe that I can fly high! 

Good evening,  friends,  frenemies and family members. 

I am out!

A. M. O

