I was one of those who use to say, at every given opportunity, that man is born good. That man is born generous and selfless. That man is born to show love and care. That was then.
Asides having read some books, watched some documentaries on wars, disputes and events like the Nazi antisemitism in Germany which led to the holocaust, I was sent a video recently by Mr. Tokunbo Tonade which really questioned my views.
I knew quite alright that man wasn't all that generous anyway, but it was numbed by the positive mental attitude I developed towards the idea. As a result, it wasn't a knowledge I carry consciously around.
I will go on to suffer seriously for not doing so. After all, if we are all born good, why do we need to teach people goodness?
Using Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs pyramid , one can see that we are born narcissists. Man is by nature born to experience some form of corruption or the other in the pursuit of survival needs and self actualization needs.
At the very base of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is the first need of man, which is
1. Physiological Needs.
Here, Water, Air, food, sleep, Cloth, shelter and sex are things that man needs to survive.
These things, going by economic assumptions, are scarce. You just don't pick them on the streets. You will need to have money to be able to get most of them.
You are there pitched against others who want the same thing and they are about 7 Billion in the world today.
2. Safety and Security Needs
After meeting the physiological needs which are the basics of life, you want to ensure you have some safety.
You want healthcare, you want economic engagement, you want to be able to fend for yourself and take good care of you.
Again, all these are not just going to be handed to you. You have 7 billion people to contend with, in this world of ours in other to get your safety needs assuredly.
3. Belonging Needs.
At this 3rd ladder of the pyramid is the need to be loved, to be connected and have association. A sense of self worth and some kind of acceptance by others.
You want a relationship and ultimately, a family. It makes you feel good. Again, all these ain't just gonna be handed to you in the face of scarcity.
You have crossed needs now and you are going to wants. Yes, it does appear like you are gradually forgetting your past victories as you are no longer motivated by them.
The new level is to go higher and be the best that you can be.
4. Esteem level.
This is the 4th level on the pyramid. You don't care that much anymore about fundamentals. It's time to take the past for granted. Here, you want respect.
You want to be treated with utmost respect and can't tolerate mistreatment. You are conscious of you and want to be respected.
This is the point where status is everything. You announce your freedom and show your strength. This is the place where you want that status car and status house. No jokes.
Again, you are not alone. There are billions of people who are at this phase and also want the same thing. You are not just gonna get it without competition regardless of scarcity.
5. Self Actualization
Here is the highest point of the pyramid. At this point, you have been there and done that. It's time to be the best that you can be.
To be that global CEO, That Governor, That President, That GO, that Pope, That Richest Man in the world.
Again, you are not alone. You have competition. You have people who have been dying to do the same and they are not going to be playing fair, you can be sure of that.
This is the point where grand corruption sets in. This has nothing to do with your singular moral strength.
It will give way to reality and you will have to carry the ambitions of thousands of people on your shoulder if you are going to truly actualize yourself and maximize potentials.
People like MKO Abiola, Atiku Abubakar, Good luck Ebele Jonathan, IBB and MUHAMMADU Buhari have at one time or the other, been at this phase or are battling this phase.
From birth, man is born to fend for himself selfishly. First through crying g for attention, manipulation and bullying.
Personal survival is what makes your baby scream so much for attention to your own discomfort, even when you are dying to rest, they do not bloody care.
That, my dear reader, is the nature of human beings right there. Children are the perfect example that we are all narcissists.
Selfishness is the genesis of Corruption and achievement is the Revelation. The road to great riches is not paved with moral activities but cold sweat and blood. And when the game gets dirty, it gets really bloody dirty.
There is no great wealth in this world that was build on the clean, never, not one. Corruption is a part of man's nature and Abraham Maslow Hierachy of needs clearly shows the struggle.
Knowing that the scholar himself was a motivational psychologist, helps puts things in perspective.
If you want to know why a man behaves the way he does in pursuit of his dreams, you must try to understand what motivates him.
If you use the pyramid, you are very likely to understand him and put his issues in clear perspective in other to get the best of him.
I would like to think that this article has helped you, a little bit, to understand man and corruption, as well as how the world itself set us on the path and journey where corruption will have a role if ambition is great.
What organised society must however continue to do is to ensure that it puts in place a strong justice system that guarantees fairness, equity and an attempt to prevent crime. However, anyone who does the crime should be made to do the time.
A. M. O
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