What is corruption?

"Corruption is the abuse of entrusted power for private gain. It can be classified as grand, petty and political, depending on the amounts of money lost and the sector where it occurs."

ME: Why not add that governments also do corrupt things to benefit government?

What is transparency?

"Transparency means shedding light on shady deals, weak enforcement of rules and other illicit practices that undermine good governments, ethical businesses and society at large."

ME: Why not are you not talking about the secret jurisdictions of the United Kingdom, Switzerland and other countries where corrupt funds are kept?

What are the costs of corruption?

"Corruption corrodes the fabric of society. It undermines people’s trust in political and economic systems, institutions and leaders. It can cost people their freedom, health, money – and sometimes their lives. "

ME: Why are you not talking about the corruption of government and big companies funding food and health programs that basically destroy people and cause them diseases that kills. Like the Dairy Industry lobbying in the USA?

What do you do to fight corruption?

"We have chapters in more than 100 countries, pressuring governments, businesses and the powerful to take strong action against corruption. We also support witnesses and victims of corruption."
ME: Why ain't you calling out the governments that donate to your activities and their corrupt practices allover the world?

All the above definitions and statements on corruption are taken from the website of TI and the " ME" questions are the alternative thinking that goes with it.

Transparency International receives funding from a number of different sources including governments, foundations, the private sector and individuals. (Their own word)

1. United States Department of State
2. Department for International Development DFID UK
3. Swedish International Development Agency
4. Federal Ministry of Nuclear Safety Germany
5. German Agency for International Development


    Stichting Adessium                                                                         
    Sigrid Rausing Trust                                                                                    
    Foundation Pierre Pfister                  
    BHP Billiton Foundation                                                                                         
    William and Flora Hewlett Foundation                                                            
    Foundation Open Society Institute (FOSI)                                                       
    Omidyar Network .                                                                          
    Wellspring Advisors..... among many others listed on their website

Most of the foundations are funded by companies that themselves benefit from corruption.                      

The leading countries of the world cannot be funding Transparency International , protecting Africa's corrupt leaders and be releasing statements on which country is the most corrupt and those which are the least corrupt.

You want to argue? Do your own research. But before you do, search to know the sources of  funding for Transparency International.


At the heart of corruption, regardless of country, culture, class and creed is human insecurity. All human beings, regardless of wealth, are insecure. We all experience insecurity and that's why we fight with friends, with family, with communities and nations against nations. The idea of scarcity naturally makes man to want to outsmart the other, businesses want to outsmart businesses, countries want to outsmart other countries and feed on their resources or technology.

Made in China 2025 strategy is a clear direction of the global economic war which is driven primarily by insecurity. It is insecurity that breeds corruption and only a unified economic system that tracks and tax all activities for the benefit of all of humanity that bring a single standard to bear on all countries.

The real duty of the organized society (Governments) is to ensure that rules, regulations and penology is clearly established and respected by all means necessary, as it applies to all equally with no secret privileges.

What governments, the world over, has failed to do is to focus on a global wealth creation system that ensure that all peoples of the world get access to opportunities to self actualize within the confines of expressed and projected rules.

This must be the reason why the United Nations, controlled by the powerful countries of the world, who controls money and prosperity has failed to put in place a universal tax systems as requested by ethical economic activists at Ecuador in 2017.

If economic activities are transcontinental in a border-less manner, it does makes sense for the world to have a universal tax structure and regime.

This sort of system can help reduce, drastically, the effects of criminal activities and track movement of funds and economic activities. The truth is that developing countries are the meal on the the dining table and not the ones holding the cutlery at the meal table, the powerful countries are not acting but are lying to the world that it is corruption that is keeping developing countries poor.

It is the greatest lie ever told to man. The most corrupt countries are the developed econ0omies and it is nothing more than corruption that has made those countries big and developed.

Who are the people against this system? The powerful countries peopled by global criminals.

African countries and their leaders do not understand corruption. Their countries are the victims while they ( The 1 % of the African population) ) are allowed to own a few pieces of landed properties in the west, as well as keep them from having to go through the consequences of their collaboration with global thieves to plunder their home economies.

Nigeria is not as half as corrupt as any of the developed countries of the world. No country from Africa is half as corrupt as the most developed countries of the world. If corruption keeps Africa poor, who are the people protecting corrupt African leaders?

Ogedengbe Ayo Moses is a chartered  Public Relations Professional, an anti-corruption Student and the Lead Strategist at CLAD Projects LLC
Follow @ayoozovehe on Instagram
