As we prepare for the 2019 General Elections, what we continue to see here is that knowledge and ignorance are at war, and knowledge is not about to win.
All you need to look into is the peer of Presidential and Vice presidential candidates of all our political parties.
If a candidate is very knowledgeable, the vice is a total dunce. If a dunce is a candidate, the vice is very knowledgeable.
In the race to 2019, we have not seen any peer of candidates that can match each other knowledge for knowledge, exposure for exposure and character for character.
Yes, in the interest of team work, diversity is key. But in the quest to build a knowledge economy, we need a sustainable team of persons who share common principles, values and mission.
The Vice Presidential candidate is as important as the presidential candidate and not to be more or less important.
To build a learning society where administrative experiences can be quickly transferred from the field to our various institutions of learning is very important for expeditious growth and development.
This cannot be achieved where you have one ignorant partner in a peer. If the ignorance of one is not an obstacle, the knowledge of the other is dwarfed.
To build a learning society, some things re very critical to leadership and the are:
1. Development of Educational Infrastructure
2. Curriculum
3. Research
4. Innovation
5. Improvement of generic skills (e.g. communication, teamwork, leadership, planning and organising, self and stress management, analytical thinking and enterprise skills)
6. Enhancement of the use of technology in teaching and learning process, including online and distant learning.
Looking at the above 6 variables and their attendant activities and needs, you will agree that you need a peer of well educated candidates.
We are not talking about mere degrees and military training for candidates. We are not talking about certificates but people who value education and are determined to evolve a knowledge economy out of the 200 million citizens and make up this great country.
Taking and measuring the present administration against the background of the 6 points given above as the critical steps and variables required to building a knowledge economy, how would you rate performance and what do you think about the capacity of the other parties to deliver ?
1. What new educational infrastructure do we have?
2. What has changed about our curriculum?
3. What Research project has the government embarked upon?
4. What innovative project has the government embarked upon?
5. What is happening to the enhancement of the generic skills of our citizens?
6. What role is technology playing in our education today?
Until we have candidates and leaders who value the above, we will never be able to evolve a knowledge economy.
If we don't evolve a knowledge economy, what is the hope for our children and the future of our country?
IG: @ayoozovehe
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