"If we don't nip this thing in the bud now, we may end up with a revolution which isn't just religious, but may be political, social& economical. Symptoms of revolt look large on the horizon today."

Maitama Sule speaking to Karl Maier in 1995.

The quote above, from a top Northern elite who himself was a founding father of the Nigerian state, continues to make me revisit the incomplete or the half truth that it is the Northern elites that are behind Boko Haram and all the other terrorist activities going on in the Northern part of the country with a view to making the state ungovernable for GEJ.

Who will make his own terrain a war zone destroying lives and properties that will take a very long time and billions to restore in the name of passing a political message to GEJ?

Did Boko Haram start under GEJ?

Why are we always quick to fly the ethnic card on issues of national concerns?

How will this country grow under this kind of ethnic composition and rivalry?

What hopes and chances are there
For this 53 year old baby?
